Useful Links

Useful Links

Ronald Ross Primary

Help Guides


This page has a number of downloads from a range of sources to help parents and carers help their children with their school work.

Click on the picture of the document to open it.

Please download our presentation about the school's
expectations for children in each year group. 

Click to Download the Literacy Glossary
The literacy glossary will explain some of the terms that your child will come across while studying at Ronald Ross.     The Wandsworth calculation guidance shows you what your child will be learning in Maths in each school year. A list of suggested books - which are also available to borrow from your local library.   
Click to download the working together guide  
Here is a list of questions to ask your child when they are reading to you.  They are graded by reading level. This booklet is for parents of 5+ year olds (from the department for education website). It gives lots of tips and guidance on how to get involved with your child's learning. This is a simple guide to how children are taught to form letters, particularly useful for children in Reception to Year 1. 
click to download the homework guide
This booklet is for parents of 8-13 year olds (from the department for education website). It gives lots of tips and guidance on how to help with homework. 




We have put some ideas for days out and activities, which are mostly free, in and around London.  Let us know how you get on!

A presentation on the Year 1 phonics screening which will help you practice phonics with your child. In a workshop run by Learn2Love2Read this presentation shows you how children learn to read.


This is a link to the national phonics screening test page

How to keep your child safe online.



Are there any help guides you would like to see featured on our website?
Please speak to a member of staff and they will pass your recommendation on.