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Ronald Ross Primary

School Meals

Meals are taken in the hall where plenty of room is available for school provided meals and packed lunches to be eaten. Parents and carers are always welcome to come down to school at lunchtimes to see meals for themselves. Our school meals are cooked daily on site in the school kitchens and the menus change weekly on a 3 weekly cycle. The menu for each week is on display clearly in school. Our cook and her team work really hard to provide healthy and tasty meals for our children.

Autumn/Winter 2024 Menu

School meals should be paid for weekly in advance on a Monday, though obviously we do understand that sometimes this is not possible. 

The cost of a school meal is currently £2.80 per day or £14 per week. 

Children in Reception and Years 1 and 2 are entitled to a free school meal. 

Children in Year 3 to Year 6 are also entitled to free school meal as London mayor's one year trial scheme. 

Packed lunch boxes must be clearly labelled with your child’s name and class. These must be brought into school at the beginning of the school day when the pupil arrives at school. We are committed to being a healthy school and encourage children to bring healthy packed lunches. Therefore we ask you not to bring sweets or chocolate and to always consider a healthy option.

Reception - Year 6: If you wish to change your child’s lunch choice from a cooked meal to a packed lunch or visa versa, you must give at least a half term's notice to the school office. Children are not able to change on a daily or weekly basis.

Nursery: If your wish for your child to try school dinners for a week, they may do so.

We have split lunchtimes to provide more space in the playground for the children to play and there are more midday supervisors available per child.

Please click here to read our Healthy School Meals Policy. (under review)

Please click here to read our Ramadan Fasting Policy.