Useful Links

Useful Links Open/Close

Ronald Ross Primary


The school gate opens at 8.50am for the children to arrive and line up ready to go in at 9.00am. It is very important that the children arrive at school on time to begin their lessons promptly.  The school day finishes at 3.30pm (gates open at 3.20pm for parents and carers), a total of 32.5 hours per week.

Late arrival

All late arrivals must be recorded and persistent lateness will be referred to the educational welfare officer. Please report to the school office when arriving late. Children will be marked late after 9.10am. 


If your child is sick, please telephone the office or send a message on the School Gateway app at the beginning of their absence and send a letter on their return to school.  If your child is absent from school for more than two days we need a doctor's letter.


If at all possible please try and make appointments out of school hours.  However, if you need to take your child to an appointment during the school day, please provide a letter or appointment card  to the school office. 


Please visit the office at the beginning or the end of the school day for information. To see your child's teacher please arrange an appointment at the office.